Ending Humanity: Terrorizing Jane Part 1

Today is November 18, 2022 and the Fascist takeover of the U.S.A. is well under way.

How do they do it? The same way they always have. Did you really think America would be spared the historical attempts by the beastly and sadistic to break our successes?

If you lived 50 or 60 years ago, you would be amazed. Personal integrity and honesty were the primary behaviors adhered to by almost all people in the United States.

You could walk down the street anytime day or night and seldom if ever have any problems with any other person. And when you came across a stranger while walking down the street you could take it for granted that they were also cordial and loving of life like you are. If they said how’s it going they usually meant it, because we all looked out for each other then.

Children were protected from any harm by all, especially abuse that would prevent them from feeling safe. While at the same time we wanted them to become kind and caring people.

What is it that Fascists have done for centuries to change a society, besides try and strip people of their human dignity?

1. Make as many laws as they can so that when they are ready everyone is breaking some law.

2. Start subtle provocations nationwide like dividing groups against each other.

3. Stealing some or all of the pay of those that work and or create and invent products that help society and mankind.

4. Hoping that the public will protect them in case they too may someday become super rich. They play stories on the media of a few that make huge sums of money for something or nothing. (Of course, the odds of that happening are in the hundreds of millions.)

5. Introduce crime and corruption society wide via the media so that even the people working at the courts presume guilt and ignore the fact that courts are no longer being held for over 95+% of the cases. Resulting in everyone being presumed guilty and must then pay money to help support the city or town.

6. Once the traps are set, start shaking down and robbing honest people. Who must be obedient because all systems are broken. Such as, very few can afford a lawyer to bring even the most important civil case to our courts.

All of which is made easier if you break the children from Gods natural intentions by abusing them physically, psychologically or sexually at a young age. SADISM

Jane was a beautiful little girl. Blond hair, blue eyes and her physical development came at such a young age that she became a target early on.

And as a result, developed what we now call Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and Stockholm Syndrome (A deep love for her abusers).

To escape she joined the military at 18 but the abuses followed her. Again, to escape and for what she thought was her protection, she married a man that was dark hair and dark brown eyes.

Five or six years and three children later a sadistic seducer (neighbor) entered her life and since her husband was working long hours she fell prey to the monster and got rid of her husband including that her children were never to know or meet their own father. Using the power of the state to keep him away.

In the end she realized that she was the one being used by the seducer and those who dishonestly used state power to rip people off.

Not understanding what was or wasn’t in her mind, resulting from betrayal by others. Or where self-loathing came from. But she presumed she had been damaged and was incapable of any kind of meaningful relationship.

When we dropped dad at the bus station, she told me I would have to be the man of the family now and help with my two younger brothers. I was about seven years old and had little idea what that meant but I did my best.

In the meantime, she pretty much ignored her personal needs and became a survival machine. Self-preservation became secondary to raising her children. But she feared that there was some trigger inside her that made her obedient to the viscous abusers of this world.

Her demeanor sometimes mistakenly portrayed that of an AFM (Anything for Money) even though her only intention was to feed her children and keep them safe.
5’9″ with blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a positive facade that would melt a room.

I remember in the beginning she would secretly cry that she had no choice but to be alone or be abused. As time went on, with promotions at work, she started to get some respect. It helped but as time went on the crying was replaced with exhaustion.

As far as we knew or as a matter of pride, in those days therapy was not yet an option to our culture. And I understood very little about the psychology of it all. Except that she was never to call the police.
Only after having had girlfriends that were in the field of psychiatry and my studies of Jesus and religions was I able to connect the dots. In the meantime work, sleep, work, sleep were her days for several years.

Earning the foreman job in an auto parts manufacturing plant did bring some added respect but the battles for her dignity never seemed to end because as a foreman she also became a representative of the company, a new kind of target.

And as her children we were also targets of the single white woman with three kids. Robbing her meant robbing us. Being the oldest I was the first to get trashed by the criminal psychopaths and their terror cells.

Then when I was 16, they told me to leave or die. I went to a friend’s bomb shelter and stayed for two weeks to make sure no one ever came. So, on top of the things I had already accomplished, I hitchhiked to Florida and learned to build single family homes and some about building hi-rises.

Didn’t hear from them at all, except when I called mom to check on her. Never heard from my brothers or any other family though. So, whatever they cooked up as a reason to get rid of me was evidently effective.

At 18 I joined the military. Becoming disillusioned by the uninspiring nature of the military, which broke my mother’s heart because they told her something totally different than the truth, I went back to my hometown.

In denial I suppose but still not understanding how a family could trash others in their own family I went back and got married in the same town I grew up in.

But when not a single member of my huge family showed up for my wedding, I knew I was the fall guy or just a chump.

In the meantime, God seemed to keep me busy. While everyone else was preparing for the ceremony, God led me to the basement of the church. There in a meeting room I found an easel. The title of the meeting had been “The Psychology of Tithing!” Which was a shock to me because it meant that the lay members didn’t even understand. Wow, what a day.

If you try to understand the fact that no one came to her oldest son’s wedding, especially after all she went through to raise us. You may not only get a glimpse of what she had been up against, but also what puzzled me.

It all became clearer to me after seeing the way my wife and I were treated. I couldn’t stand to see my wife having to endure that, so we were soon divorced. It was her choice to divorce rather than move to a kinder and more empowering environment.

More importantly I had been ignoring how much Jane had changed. She had become a totally different person, like someone under the gun of evil or whose spirit had been more broken by abuse.

But again, remembering that we were one generation from having out-houses. Therapy and support groups were looked at as weaknesses for losers. As time went on, she never sought real help to understand that she could have warm and kind relationships. And that it was the abusers that preyed on her, or us that were both the selfish, ignorant and evil. But they, some being family, had something to hide so she was never free of their psychopathic behavior.

To add to it all she was transferred to the plastics division. On top of everything else she was ingesting huge amounts of chemicals through her eyes and lungs. I had been mostly on the road working, but while staying for a while I noticed sometimes for days on end her eyes were blood red after coming directly home after work.

And she rejected love and kindness at any cost and started to lie a lot. Her common sense, which was revered by anyone that knew her at work, seemed to flip backwards. If you helped her, like on the farm. You became the enemy because it made the ones that abused her look bad.

One day I was standing out by the barn, and I could see her stick a rifle out the window about 50 yards from where me and our dog were standing. Pop. She had shot the dog right between the eyes. Which was, since she refused to communicate about any of it, proof to me of what can happen to people that don’t get help after being used and abused by evil people. And there was usually an inbound phone call before an event.

Later in years, when I saw her again, but after I became knowledgeable about the costs of unchecked abuse to the person and our society. Her attention seemed to be disconnected from anyone that loved or wanted to show her love and kindness. Focused instead on people that she seemed to have not figured out yet. Her abusers.

Including a lot of displaced aggression. For some reason, just like the farm, she sold the house on the river including the years of memories, then went to Texas.

When she died, I heard about her death from an in-law on Facebook about a week afterward.

The moral of the story! Abuse of children in the U.S.A. has never been acceptable! Besides the fact that it destroys both families and futures. It prevents most from ever being able to accept loving relationships.

Un-checked and undealt with by professional therapy. It can permanently separate the child from an ability to be a part of a healthy loving relationship or society. Driving a wedge in the caring and healthy development of the child. Not to mention can lead them on a path of never completely growing up because their lives become focused on the crimes of the criminals and abusers.

There are societies that never consider the developmental health of the child. Dooming not only the child’s future but the future of their entire society. Some of those societies have brought their sickness to our nation. Instead of thinking about, “What can I do to help this child have a fruitful and caring life, including promoting the same across our society?” They are thinking about “How can they use this child or person for their own entertainment or reward without any regard to the child’s or person’s personal human dignity?”

That is not American!

Even though historically you can point out our failures. The United States became great and powerful because we understood that to have a safe and happy society, we must unilaterally profess that every person deserves protection from evil and ignorant walking bile. Especially our children.

The disease and disgust of child abuse can spread both miles and years. It is one of the birthplaces of dishonesty and corruption. And can destroy the greatest of societies.

For those that want to do the best or the right thing!

Consider the distractors, such as the news media. The news media is now not much different than professionally orchestrated entertainment. The primary difference is that they sell content that comes from other people. And most just seek to hook you because they make billions of dollars doing so.

So the next time you spend hours listening to news media, most of which you can have NO effect on.

Think about this.

There are 168 hours in a week.

If you spend just one hour a day with a child, bonding with them, sometimes even doing what they want you to do with them. Play games, read, paint or draw.

That is only 7 hours a week.

It won’t be long at all before you realize that:

Not only will you be helping steer a child to having a more meaningful life.

You will bond into a friendship that lasts for decades.

After only a few days your own sense of self-worth is raised.

The child will learn to trust you and begin to ask you the most amazing and sometimes enlightening questions.

It can also help keep you more grounded because children are not gaming you for any advantage. They just want to know that you are there and can be trusted.

You will usually be very surprised at what happens after they know you can be trusted not to betray them.

Child abuse is not only the most vicious of human betrayals but it is also at the top of the most horrendous sins you can commit.

The honor you give them as a protector and guide in their development will be shared with others thousands of times in their lives.

Seldom if ever does a child that has caringly bonded with a parent seek to prey on other people.

Your rewards will be amazing and endearing!

To be continued….

Anyway, Along the way someone betrayed her trust and after years in rational obedience and trust to the government she hired a webmaster to build a website called Grannysagainstgovernment.com Her life seemed to unravel from there.

Before that she was usually the type that kept all her battles to herself. Except things like that day, for his safety, she had to walk an employee out to his car because the union workers threatened him with harm for working too fast.

Since I had been branded unacceptable, it seemed, by everyone. And she seemed to eventually have more trouble and harassment when I was there. Usually when asked to visit, the only solution would end up submitting to the agent provocateurs. At times people have come to my house with a newspaper in hand and tried to demand that I turn myself in for a crime that was in the paper. Insane huh!
So My time and years were spent on the road doing my America project.

To be continued….

God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Michael Banker

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