Was Jesus a Weak Coward?

Was Jesus a Weak Coward?

 December 25, 2024

To understand as much as I could.
Over the decades I would periodically take some time, a day, week or month and try to emulate the life of Jesus.
Aside from the obvious differences in that time and modern times. Almost everything was enlightening.
No drinkable water except maybe a river, stream or well.
No grocery stores or gas stations to grab food or a snack.
No cooking stove, refrigerator or freezer.
You had to make or buy clothing if you could and were there socks or even comfortable tennis shoes?
Few jobs to trade work for money. As a matter of fact, humankind was almost always entrepreneurial until modern mass production.
No 911, police or fire stations.
No cars, you had to walk or ride an animal to get places and your toenails may turn black.

And finally, there was no quickly available toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, shampoos or deodorant.
Do you think Jesus was weak?
And amongst all he became the most popular character in human history with billions of followers.
Please count your blessings!
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Duty Liberty

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