How is life in your country? VOTE! Voting is the best start!

Facebook removed this post because of the image. NOW YOU KNOW — PLEASE VOTE How is your life really. Are honest people being attacked because they are tired of the corruption, crime, shootings and general lack of safety or happiness of life in their society? Despite what the near billionaire mainstream newscasters are selling you.… Read More How is life in your country? VOTE! Voting is the best start!

Protect Yourself & Don’t Buy into Their Decadence

Protect Yourself & Don’t Buy into Their Decadence Duty Liberty™® August 23, 2022 Living in the Age of Plastic Fruit Of course plastic fruit is pretty, but there is no nutritional value! Including no real experience, mostly they just promote forced obedience, incompetence, thuggery and dishonesty. You think it isn’t decadence? (An act of falling… Read More Protect Yourself & Don’t Buy into Their Decadence