Averse to Dishonest Gain: Preference to raising all boats!
I don’t even know how much this cost me yet?
The “United States” is goverened by “Civilian Rule!” You are a civilian no matter what job you have. Don’t be a Borg!
About 500 years ago people risked their and their families lives to escape the treachery of life where they were. That core group is still the same only much larger. Honest and faithful people that live to treat others as they want to be treated. We have some very important problems to deal with but don’t let the toxic media or miserable people talk you into loosing hope or not achieving. They are the joke not you!
Pushing the boundaries that we were conned into.
An American Website that hopes to deal with the problems we, in this time of normal transition, must deal with.
Whether we had it too good for too long?
Whether we took it for granite?
Or whether we put too much faith in our elected officials or bureaucracy!
The corruption we have allowed and the resulting deaths, destruction and loss of faith is making us look like fools.
The only way to stop the debasing of our nation is to face the hard issues with reason, rational and objective communication.
If we don’t want to lose our nation we must deal with the corruption, deaths, suicides, housing, food distribution and even wealth.
2ndStone LLC is an NGO (non-governemtal organization) that has no constraints (501(c)3 etc.) except conscience and the moral and ethical obligations that we should all have as a part of our particular States and our nation.
Obviously and God Bless You, there will be a small percentage that are too busy or they already “Got Theirs” and won’t even want to understand what we are talking about.
But now millions of lives are in jeopardy and it is weakening not just our nation but our moral fiber.
And please remember it was only about 500 years ago that people risk their and their families lives to escape horrible abuses and death that was common in the countries they escaped from. From the first of the settlers less than 50% made it through the first year.
But with determination and hard work, what was and still is the core of the USA made it possible for millions more to come seeking freedom and a better life for themselves and their families.
Our forefathers seen that with the influx of people came some very bad habits and intentions so they declared independence and wrote a constitution that they hoped would insure civilian rule!
We can do this!
Rev. Michael Banker
I want to introduce you to “Duty Liberty”™® Who’s 50 year project will be published here. This website is the culmination of his journey to diagnose the USA. In case we decide to live in Freedom and Liberty instead of just being obedient slaves to greedy mentally ill people. |
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We have but one life to live. Why not live it as free people, free to achieve and become everything God intended when we were born.
If you consider the ‘Magna Carta’ Libertatum “Great Charter of Freedoms” in 1215.
You will realize that it took over 500 years from then to form a country that had as its rules Liberty, freedom and personal dignity for every individual.
That country is the United States of America.
The country whose founders expanded the Magna Carta to create the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
Even then we were reminded “You have a Republic”, rule by the people,”Can you keep it?”.
And that we must constantly be vigilant or we may get tricked again and suffer backward into draconian fascism and feudalism. To become enslaved by mentally ill predators and such.
2ndStone LLC
Indianapolis, Indiana 46201
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